“The Unknown”
Scared to hold on
Scared to let go
The last one standing
After the freak show
The joke is on you
There's no time to spare
There's fire inside you
But you're too tired to care
The Unknown awaits
Yes it's gunning for you
The sky turns to ashes
What's your next move?
You could fall again
But Phoenix you could rise
From that pile of ashes
Into the dark ashen sky
That fork in the road
Which path will you choose
You've lost almost everything
What's left now to lose?
There's always tomorrow
After heartache and strife
But that's what makes living
So beautiful in this life.
© 2015 Tonya Staley. All rights reserved.
Scared to hold on
Scared to let go
The last one standing
After the freak show
The joke is on you
There's no time to spare
There's fire inside you
But you're too tired to care
The Unknown awaits
Yes it's gunning for you
The sky turns to ashes
What's your next move?
You could fall again
But Phoenix you could rise
From that pile of ashes
Into the dark ashen sky
That fork in the road
Which path will you choose
You've lost almost everything
What's left now to lose?
There's always tomorrow
After heartache and strife
But that's what makes living
So beautiful in this life.
© 2015 Tonya Staley. All rights reserved.