“Love and Ball Bats”
Used to be a good guy…heart on my sleeve
Paying people no mind…some damn naïve
Had to learn hard way…harder than need be
Sick of being stepped on… suffocated…can’t breathe
Shoulda, Woulda, coulda saved us back in the day
But I don't do second chances… I don’t work that way
Loves is just manipulation pain and lies
Sort of like ball that hits you from behind
© 2015-2016 Travis Yates. All rights reserved.
Used to be a good guy…heart on my sleeve
Paying people no mind…some damn naïve
Had to learn hard way…harder than need be
Sick of being stepped on… suffocated…can’t breathe
Shoulda, Woulda, coulda saved us back in the day
But I don't do second chances… I don’t work that way
Loves is just manipulation pain and lies
Sort of like ball that hits you from behind
© 2015-2016 Travis Yates. All rights reserved.