Empty…please surround me
Somehow make me whole
Possibly imploding
From a past none should know
Life more like a sentence
In the dark were no light shows
Walls of claustrophobia
Closing in to take its toll
It corrupts…invades…corrodes…decays
Leaving only the scent of cement
And a question of when did it go
And just were our sanity went
© 2015-2016 Travis Yates. All rights reserved.
Empty…please surround me
Somehow make me whole
Possibly imploding
From a past none should know
Life more like a sentence
In the dark were no light shows
Walls of claustrophobia
Closing in to take its toll
It corrupts…invades…corrodes…decays
Leaving only the scent of cement
And a question of when did it go
And just were our sanity went
© 2015-2016 Travis Yates. All rights reserved.