Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Set in the universe of the first two Ivan Reitman films from the 1980s, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" tells the story of Callie, a single mom struggling to survive in Chicago with her two children, 12-year-old Phoebe and 15-year-old Trevor. When Callie receives news of her long-estranged father's passing - a father she never even knew - she and the kids pack up the Subaru and move to the small midwestern town of Summerville. As the family settles into their "inheritance,” they soon discover that they have mysterious ties to a team of paranormal investigators called the Ghostbusters; the specter-catching team who saved New York City from supernatural destruction 35 years ago.
The film will be directed by Jason Reitman and will star Carrie Coon as Callie, Finn Wolfhard as Trevor, McKenna Grace as Phoebe, Signourney Weaver as Dana Barrett, and Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson who will be reprising their roles as Drs. Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz and Winston Zeddmore from the original films.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife will premiere on November 11, 2021.
Set in the universe of the first two Ivan Reitman films from the 1980s, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" tells the story of Callie, a single mom struggling to survive in Chicago with her two children, 12-year-old Phoebe and 15-year-old Trevor. When Callie receives news of her long-estranged father's passing - a father she never even knew - she and the kids pack up the Subaru and move to the small midwestern town of Summerville. As the family settles into their "inheritance,” they soon discover that they have mysterious ties to a team of paranormal investigators called the Ghostbusters; the specter-catching team who saved New York City from supernatural destruction 35 years ago.
The film will be directed by Jason Reitman and will star Carrie Coon as Callie, Finn Wolfhard as Trevor, McKenna Grace as Phoebe, Signourney Weaver as Dana Barrett, and Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson who will be reprising their roles as Drs. Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz and Winston Zeddmore from the original films.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife will premiere on November 11, 2021.