The Originals: Always and Forever
In this dark spinoff of the television series The Vampire Diaries, the Original vampire Klaus returns to New Orleans to reclaim his home from a tyrannical vampire named Marcel. Meanwhile, Elijah works to extinguish the flames brought on by his brother Klaus’s arrogance and pride and also to protect him from the dark entities that seek to destroy him. Problems arise when the brothers discover that a coven of witches carry a secret that could change not only Klaus’s fate, but the fate of all supernatural beings forever.
The irony of Klaus’s dilemma is that while he wants so desperately to have his home and family restored to him, when he discovers that a werewolf named Hayley is pregnant with his child, instead of embracing this chance at having a new family, he adamantly rejects it. Although he is a predator at heart, I believe Klaus’s reaction stems from fear rather than malice. For centuries he has always been shunned as the unwanted outcast in his family. Now, when he is finally offered the chance of having a new family, he is afraid that if he allows himself to care about Hayley and her unborn child he will have to endure that same pain again. His rejection of her is Klaus’s way of ensuring that his heart will not be broken again.
Unlike his smoldering brother, Elijah is more of a noble and tenderhearted peacemaker. He clearly conveys a sense of protectiveness and concern towards Hayley and her unborn child after the witches reveal the secret of her pregnancy to him. However, there is a deeper concern burning in Elijah’s heart that is directed towards Klaus. He recognizes the pain and the fear that Klaus is trying so desperately to hide. His actions are motivated by his desire to heal his relationship with Klaus and to see his broken family restored.
© 2013 – 2016 Keriane Kellogg. All rights reserved.
In this dark spinoff of the television series The Vampire Diaries, the Original vampire Klaus returns to New Orleans to reclaim his home from a tyrannical vampire named Marcel. Meanwhile, Elijah works to extinguish the flames brought on by his brother Klaus’s arrogance and pride and also to protect him from the dark entities that seek to destroy him. Problems arise when the brothers discover that a coven of witches carry a secret that could change not only Klaus’s fate, but the fate of all supernatural beings forever.
The irony of Klaus’s dilemma is that while he wants so desperately to have his home and family restored to him, when he discovers that a werewolf named Hayley is pregnant with his child, instead of embracing this chance at having a new family, he adamantly rejects it. Although he is a predator at heart, I believe Klaus’s reaction stems from fear rather than malice. For centuries he has always been shunned as the unwanted outcast in his family. Now, when he is finally offered the chance of having a new family, he is afraid that if he allows himself to care about Hayley and her unborn child he will have to endure that same pain again. His rejection of her is Klaus’s way of ensuring that his heart will not be broken again.
Unlike his smoldering brother, Elijah is more of a noble and tenderhearted peacemaker. He clearly conveys a sense of protectiveness and concern towards Hayley and her unborn child after the witches reveal the secret of her pregnancy to him. However, there is a deeper concern burning in Elijah’s heart that is directed towards Klaus. He recognizes the pain and the fear that Klaus is trying so desperately to hide. His actions are motivated by his desire to heal his relationship with Klaus and to see his broken family restored.
© 2013 – 2016 Keriane Kellogg. All rights reserved.